Juicy Lab

Welcome, we are the Extra Sauce Studio dev team. Passionate but especially web development, we focus our efforts on technologies that can be realized from the WAX/EOS blockchain. Here are our different projects.

FreeCityGame - Platform Multi Game Interacting With Wax NFT Standard Assets.
Visit Remixworlds.com!
Repo - Game Contract - Token Contract
Team: Jordan Bourbonnais & Tien Nguyen

WaxRush - Random WAX NFT Distributor
Visit Waxrush Soon!!
Repo - Contract
Team: Jordan Bourbonnais & Tien Nguyen

WaxAffiliation - Affiliate program between advertiser and pubisher on wax blockchain.
Visit Waxaffiliation.io!
Repo - Contract
Team: Jordan Bourbonnais

WaxQuest is a multiplayer game inviting WAX users can interact each others in open world of adventure from your Web browser.
Visit Soon!
Repo - Contract
Team: Jordan Bourbonnais

Waxio - WAX Gaming Dashboard to manage multiple game and dApp on the same page.
Repo - Contract
Team: Jordan Bourbonnais

Extra Sauce Studio
Quebec enterprise number: (NEQ) 2277160562
21 rue de la pointe, saint-alphonse-rodriguez,
J0K 1W0, Quebec, Canada

Extra Sauce Studio

Waxio.io © ExtraSauceStudio
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