Welcome on FreeCityGame, an easy to play P2E NFT game based on WAX blockchain.

Interplanetary political power games
FreeCity will be the first city to be conquered in this fantastic multiverse.
Blend NFT cards to generate higher value cards and stake any FreeCityGame nft to
be avalaible to claim our RMX token one time every 24H.
Reward depends on the total number of votes you have in your staked NFT cards.

How make money ?

Way 1: Blend card to generate higher value cards (click to expense)

We are creating a city with limited spaces, we have 4 levels of playing cards and each card has a vote value.
So to start you will get 5x of the smallest card in the game, the vote card.
The voting card costs around 0.25 WAX and has a value of 1 vote. With 5 vote cards you can blend it to generate 1 Citizen
card and the Citizen Card costs around 10 WAX and has a value of 1 vote. This logic continues to generate the Home, Building, and Neighborhood cards.
-Generate 1 Citizen card (Value: 10WAX/1VOTE) by blending 5 Vote cards (Value: 1WAX/5VOTE)
-Generate 1 Home card (Value: 150WAX/100VOTE) by blending 5 Citizen cards (Value: 50WAX/5VOTE)
-Generate 1 Building card (Value: 500WAX/10000VOTE) by blending 5 Home cards (Value: 750WAX/500VOTE)
-Generate Neighborhood card (Value: 1000WAX/10000VOTE) by blending 5 Building cards (Value: 2500WAX/50000VOTE)
All prices here are approximate and above all can change depending on the market.

Way 2: Stake NFT card with high vote value (click to expense)

Stake any FREECITYGAME nft and you avalaible to claim our RMX token one time every 24H.
Reward depends on the total number of votes you have in your staked NFT cards. (1 vote = 0.01 RMX/24h).
The goal of this game is to earn a lot of RMX token for our players. If this is not the case, we will rectify the situation ;)

How to play ?

Blend NFT card to generate higher value cards. (click to expense)

To blend your NFT card you go to Your Blender page and select the NFT card you want generate.
(Make sure you have the ingredients NFT cards to generate your target NFT card. if not buy it in the marketplace)

Stake NFT card (click to expense)

To stake your NFT card and claim your reward every 24 hours, you go to STAKE page and on any asset you can find the stake button.


Claim every 24h (click to expense)

To claim your reward every 24 hours, you go to the CLAIM page, you login and you use the claim button.


About our RMX token?

General info (click to expense)

RMX Token Total token supply: 1 billion
Give out for user reward: 500 millions(50%)
Token value: 1 WAX
With the RMX token you can buy the nfts of all games linked to RemixWorlds.
You can also use the RMX token in-game in all games linked to RemixWorlds.

See token smart contract on Bloks: wax.bloks.io
See on Alcor market: wax.alcor.exchange

About us?

Our plan (click to expense)

Our plan is to create several NFT games so that they can
interact together to create a multi-game platform nft on WAX
blockchain and our RMX token

Contact us (click to expense)

Quebec enterprise number: (NEQ) 2277160562
Extra Sauce Studio
21 rue de la pointe, saint-alphonse-rodriguez, J0K 1W0, Quebec, Canada
Telegram: https://t.me/remixworlds

Quebec enterprise number: (NEQ) 2277160562 Extra Sauce Studio 21 rue de la pointe, saint-alphonse-rodriguez, J0K 1W0, Quebec, Canada
Extra Sauce Studio